Are california king beds cheaper than eastern king
Are california king beds cheaper than eastern king

are california king beds cheaper than eastern king

Bases and bed frames will also be more difficult to find, and when it comes time to replace your mattress you’ll need to get Cal King again to match everything you currently have and Cal King availability on mattress is typically not great comparatively. Cal King accessories are often more difficult to find and take longer to come back into stock as they are a lower priority when compared to sizes that have higher consumer demand. Cal King accessories are typically more expensive because they can’t be produced in massive quantities like queen and king size items can. Going with a Cal King will make things a bit more difficult in the future.


I'm trying to consider the pros and cons of what is for us a major purchase.we get a new bed either way (and feel free to chime in on what type of mattress you'd recommend for a couple of over-50-year-old people who are not particularly slim), but will a CK be more costly over time (I don't relish the thought of buying one set of CK sheets - both fitted and otherwise - and having to wash them and refit the bed in the same day)? Is it more expensive/difficult in the long run to purchase mattress pads and sheets for a CK? Not to sound frugal or anything, but during our leaner years I was able to purchase sheets at Target and similar stores for our King bed. But I'd like to hear opinions from folks who currently own a California King. My mind is already spinning while trying to decide between memory foam and springs and whatever. I have room on my side of the bed for a small nightstand, but Husband has to set his "things" (eyeglasses, cell phone, etc.) on the small slice of floor between his side of the bed and the wall. Husband is leaning toward a California King, not because he's particularly tall but because our master bedroom is a bit on the narrow side. We've had the same King bed for the past 15+ years and we finally have a little bit of flexible cash that we can splurge on our ideal sleep solution. Husband and I are in the market for a new bed.

Are california king beds cheaper than eastern king