New tech tms & business intelligence platform
New tech tms & business intelligence platform

new tech tms & business intelligence platform

El detalle de la novedad es el siguiente: Futuras redes móviles 6G: 1 Tbps de datos en un segundoīarcelona, 22 de febrero del 2022.- Las redes móviles 5G aún se están implementando en numerosos países. Here’s AndSoft le desea felices fiestas navideñas y próspero 2022Įl pago por uso de las carreteras se aplaza, hasta alcanzar un consensoīarcelona, 2 de marzo del 2022.- El periódico El Mercantil ha publicado el aplazamiento del pago por el uso de las carreteras, de momento, hasta que se encuentre un consenso entre todas las partes implicadas. TODAY’S BOOM IN AI is centered around a technique called deep learning, which is powered by artificial neural networks. Technologies already present in smartphones and that will evolve faster, every day. At a logistics service center in Seoul, an industrial robotics arm #AI: A graphical explanation of how these neural networks are structured and trainedīarcelona, January 4, 2022.- The following analysis on Deep Learning and the use of neural networks has been published by the IEEE Spectrum magazine. A technological revolution whose implementation will accelerate in the coming months due to tensions in global supply chains.


Next, we publish a summary for its great interest for the logistics professional and the technological manager: Heineken The COVID-19 pandemic has driven changes in the business of logistics, which includes the acceleration of innovation, automation and digitalization in the workplace, robotics allowed for greater social distancing without affecting productivityīarcelona, January 11, 2022.- The China Daily Newspaper has published the following information with real cases of robotic applications and artificial intelligence for the logistics industry.

new tech tms & business intelligence platform

Its recent innovations and the changes that have had to be implemented in large multinationals, small and medium-sized companies. It can also be used for enhanced predictive analytics and enhanced Coffee Blockchain Supply Chainīarcelona, January 25, 2022.- Financial Times: Supply chains companies shift from ‘just in time’ to ‘just in case’īarcelona, January 18, 2022: The prestigious economic newspaper Financial Times has published an analysis on the supply chain. Here are the main conclusions: Thanks to the power of Big Data, logistics companies will be able to make accurate forecasts and improve their performance. It creates a communication barrier Logistics: AI unlocks the ture potencial of Big Dataīarcelona, February 7, 2022.- The Digital Journal magazine has produced a report on Artificial Intelligence in the logistics industry. We recommend your reading: Supply Chain Management is faced with several problems, including: Inadequate Universal Database Despite the interconnectedness of the global marketplace, most businesses don’t share their data. AI and machine learning-based solutions reduce those obstacles, and they give DCs better results A vision on the application of blockchain technology in transport and logistics companiesīarcelona, February 8, 2022.- TechiExpert magazine has published an analysis on the application of Blockchain technology in transport and logistics companies. This technology will be one of the keys to success for logistics companies that need to be more efficient and competitive. Here is a Good data is a key to effective AIīarcelona, February 15, 2022.- Supply Chain Dive magazine has highlighted 5 applications, based on Artificial Intelligence, for supply chain companies. Therefore, its reading is highly recommended for managers of transport and logistics companies. For your interest, we publish below Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has become a defining geopolitical moment for some Foley & Lardner: “Blockchain for Digital Logistics and Smart Warehouses”īarcelona, February 22, 2022.- The Foley & Lardner Law Firm has published a detailed and exhaustive analysis of the benefits of blockchain technology for the logistics industry, which is so important for the success of e-commerce around the world. The New York Times: The Role of Tech Giants in the Russia-Ukraine Warīarcelona March 2, 2022.- One of the most influential newspapers in the world, the New York Times, has published a diagnosis on the role of the technological giants in the new scenario that opens the Russian War against Ukraine.

New tech tms & business intelligence platform